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1 段祝庚基于光束法双像解析的森林火点定位技术 2013.10,48(5)西南交通大学学报  EI    
2 刘  峰长白落叶松单木参数与生物量的机载LiDAR估测 2013.9农业机械学报 正刊    
3TING DENG邓  婷New Probe Design Strategy by Cooperation of Metal/DNA-Ligation and Supermolecule Inclusion Interaction: Application to Detection of Mercury Ions(II)SCI2013年3月(138)The Analyst4.23     通讯作者
4LI Shui-fang李水芳Qualitative and quantitative detection of beet syrup adulteration of honey by near-infrared spectroscopy:a feasibility study 2013,33(10)光谱学与光谱分析0.296      
5 zhao ying 赵  莹杂环-双氰乙基系列分散染料的合成、表征及染色性能  2013,34(3): 590-595 高等学校化学学报0.9     第一作者为研究生生刘伟,通讯作者)
6ying zhao 赵  莹Effects of Disperse Dyes on Dyeing of Ethylated Chinese Fir Powder 2013,788:241-245Advanced Materials Research      第一作者为研究生余泽华,通讯作者)
7ying zhao赵  莹Preparation and Dyeing of Ethylated Wood Plastic Composites 2013,742: 192-196Advanced Materials Research     第一作者为研究生汤静芳,通讯作者)
8Lianwu Xie谢练武Epimerization of epigallocatechin gallate to gallocatechin gallate and its anti-diabetic activitySCI2013, 22(7)Medicinal Chemistry Research1.612      
9Xin Guo郭  鑫Band gaps of graphene on layered ZnO substrate: A first principles study2013,2(113)Journal of Applied Physics2.22      
10Xin Guo郭  鑫Electronic and magnetic properties of hydrogenated graphene
2013,2(377)Physics Letters A1.766      
11Guo Xin郭  鑫Measurement of the association constants through Micro-Raman Spectra of Supersaturated Lithium Perchlorate droplets2013,11(56、11)中国科学(Science China Chemistry)1.327      
12Jinhua Zhou周尽花A New Approach for the synthesis of 6,7-Dihydro-5H-Cyclopenta[b]pyridine 2013,vols.634-638:1211-1214Advanced Materials Reseach   第二届化工、材料与冶金工程国际会议   
13Jinhua Zhou周尽花Preparation of Fe-Ni/C Composite Catalyst for the Hydrazine Hydrate Catalytic Reduction 2013,vols.641-642:233-237Advanced Materials Reseach   第二届生物、化工和材料国际会议   
14Jinhua Zhou周尽花A Solvent-free Synthetic Technique for Epoxidized Methyl-α-eleostearate Catalyzed by Cation Exchange Resin 2014,vol.830:180-184Advanced Materials Reseach   2013年化学、能源与环境国际会议   
15li qing 李青preparation and kinetic property of iron-doped tio2 nanoparticles760Advanced Materials Research      
16H.Z.sun孙汉洲One-Setp Synthesis of Lemonile from Citral by Liquid Phase Cataiytic Ammoxidation  Advanced Meterials Research Vols.641-642.p959-961     第一作者为研究生生王烨,通讯作者)
17H.Z.sun孙汉洲Synthesis of Solketal with Catalyst Sulfonic Acid Resin  Advanced Meterials Research Vols.830.p176-179     第一作者为研究生生杨晶,通讯作者)
18Jiafu Wang王佳伏State transition graph and stability of singular equilibria for piecewise linear biological modelsSCI2013.32461Physica D1.669      
19Jiafu Wang王佳伏Hopf bifurcation and multiple periodic solutions in Lotka-Volterra systems with symmetriesSCI2013.6(14、3)Nonlinear Analysis:
Real World Applications
20Fanliang Li李范良Least squares symmetrizable solutions for a class of matrix equations正刊外文2013.5Appli. Mathe.       
21Fanliang Li李范良Left and right inverse eigenpairs problem for  -hermitian matricesSCI2013.6J. Appli. Mathe.0.865      
22Wu Xiuhua伍秀华Some New Intrinsic Topologies on Complete Lattices and the Cartesian Closedness of the Category of Strongly Continuous LatticesSCI2013Abstract and Applied Analysis1.102      
23Yaxiang Li 李雅湘Inner uniform domains and the Apollonian inner metricSCI2013.11
Bull. Korean
Math. Soc.
24Long Shi石龙Space-time fractional diffusion equations and asymptotic behaviors of a coupled continuous time random walk modelSCI2013.12 (392)Physica A1.676      
25Yongfeng luo罗勇锋PictOld
Wet Chemical Synthesis of Bi2S3 Nanorods for Efficient Photocatalysis
SCI2013, 105:12-15Materials Letters2.307      
26Yongfeng luo罗勇锋Functional Nanomaterials for Optoelectric Conversion and Energy StorageSCI2013, 414193, 1-2Journal of Nanomaterials1.547      
27Yongfeng luo罗勇锋Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Array by DC glow plasma Etching for SupercapacitorSCI2013, 270289, 1-6Journal of Nanomaterials1.547      
28Yongfeng luo罗勇锋Preparation and characterization of aligned carbon nanotube fibersSCI2013,275-277:1794-179Applied Mechanics and Materials     
29Guihong Wu    吴桂红Effect of sample width on characteristics of flame spread across eucalyptus wood surface 2013.7(Vols. 401-403 (2013) pp 767-770)Applied Mechanics and Materials     第一作者
30Guihong Wu    吴桂红Effect of sample width on characteristics of flame spread across eucalyptus wood surface 2013.7中国科技论文在线      第一作者
31Liqun Chen陈丽群难熔元素钨在NiAl位错体系中的占位及对键合性质的影响正刊中文2013.62卷11期物理学报1.25     第一作者
32Liqun Chen陈丽群The site preference of alloying element Zr in NiAl dislocation core and its effects on bond characters正刊外文2013.344卷Defect and Diffusion Forum  期刊   第一作者
33Xiao-Fang Peng彭小芳Ballistic thermal transport in multi-terminal graphene junctions 2013年6月,77卷(440-444)Computational Materials Science1.878      
34Xiao-Fang Peng彭小芳Acoustic phonon transport and thermal conductance in quantum waveguide with abrupt quantum junctions modulated with double T-shaped  quantum structure 2013年2月,62卷(056805-056811)Acta Phys. Sin.1.027      
35Yang Wu-E杨恶恶Multi-criteria semantic dominance: A linguistic decision aiding technique based on incomplete preference informationSCI2013.9(231卷1期)European Journal of Operational Research2.038      
36Wang Xin-Jun王新军Enhanced low-temperature thermal conductance by quantum dot made of material with high sound velocity in a three-dimensional semiconductor nanowireSCI2013, 411:48-51 Physica B1.135      
37Chunhua Li et al李春华A relative vulnerability estimation of ?ood disaster using data envelopment analysis SCI正刊13, 1723–1734, 2013Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.2.86      
38Lichao Wu吴立潮Early response of stand structure and species diversity to strip-clearcut in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in OkinawaSCI201344427-442New Forests1.63      
39Lichao Wu吴立潮Effect of selective logging on stand structure and tree species diversity in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forestSCI2013, 70(5):535-543 Annals of Forest Science 1.78      
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